Awakening from the Illusion: Embracing Universal Truths

All humans operate within a belief system; it's akin to being computers with belief systems as our operating systems. Currently, we are awakening from an era where our beliefs were heavily influenced by controlling institutions such as religions, cultures, and government. They dictated our thoughts and beliefs, shaping societies and leading us to where we stand today.

However, with advancements in travel and communication, we are uniting and learning from each other as never before in human history.

As we awaken, we realize the illusory nature of our reality, understanding that we are only controlled when we allow ourselves to be. The oligarchy, politicians, tech giants, and religious institutions are all sensing their impending demise and are striving to maintain their dominance, but their efforts appear increasingly absurd.

The veil has been lifted.

The more we awaken to the psychological warfare waged upon us, the greater the attempts to draw us back in. Yet, only fear can accomplish that, exemplified by events like the pandemic.

So, how do we break free from fear mongering sociopaths? By acknowledging that the only true law is universal law. The law of creation through belief. Love, joy, inner peace, and abundance form a possible and attainable belief system.

To achieve this, we must disengage from ingrained judgments and false beliefs. Acceptance is the key. Trusting in the unfolding universal path leads to creation and abundance. The algorithm of the Father of Light.

That energy is love, and its source, for lack of a better term, is God. An unconditional force of love, appreciation, and abundance. With trust, fear finds no foothold. Embrace every aspect of your journey, relish the moment, and revel in the ride.

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